BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

sunday morning coming down

Morning world, lovely and sunny already today at 6am !. but less of that n more of an update, Fri Ive had very little info other that the night fishing is reasonably decent and every night this week including last night has produced some decent bass, best bait .. mackerel which still remain fairly elusive, yesterday i spect the whole day from 8am fishing the west and all i can say was… it was very hard going. I managed 3 bream on the low which is tbh not that common IMO, and a few other did the same. As the tide came up so the fish vanished to be replaced by crabs that seemed to get larger and larger to the degree that 2 lads managed to get a whopper up to the edge of the caisson before the line gave out and it dropped back in. I kid u not, it was the largest this year and the body was larger than a dinner plate. We have had one weighed and pictured at 5lb and this was bigger possibly pushing over 6lb. In the end i matched crab and bream numbers of 4 others on the extension had maybe another dozen, with 2 lads finding 5 mackerel. I pulled my lines in about 5.30, I cleared the ext , did a bit of chatting and reports from the main west wall were grim & the best of it were a couple of plaice @ bay 18, but things were very scrappy & plagued by spiders snagging or cutting peoples lines. A lovely day in the sun but tough going. Over on the east , small bream & wrasse on the lower bays , mostly just sized or under for the plaice dotted all up the sandy section ,. My lad and friend had a few small plaice n JNR managed a decent wrasse that gave him a run on his light 6foot spin rod which he enjoyed.
Seems a few had to be reminded about keeping under sized fish on the east.. well done to those angers that had a chat and pointed out why they should go back.

Im please to say that some are getting the message out to other anglers re sizing fish and having a chat or as I would say .. “they are getting involved” Its good , it benefits the wall and stets a better standard on the walls, getting involved means a polite chat , not scream its others ๐Ÿ™‚ so a big well done them from all of us anglers that want better, its encouraging to see.
Times up for me as im running about on the west today .
tight lines all and enjoy the day.

Thurs round up

A bit of a long day re organising some images so I can put up a new gallery page , Im sure you will be able to find it .. its under the galleries section with a little tag Sussex arms on it also … some of you know what that was in the past , if it takes off I will expand it in the Views gallery to start with and maybe expand it into a place of its own.

As to the fishing .. read on.
This week really has been a spilt.. light n dark, night and day, decent & tough going .. I think you may be getting where this is going. Daytime this week other than random shoals of mackerel has been tough going with mainly a few mackies, a few plaice and a few bream in a contest with 100’s or even thousands of spider crabs invading the marina waters ! a not so easy going but sort of getting better.. yes they are getting better but things are not as good as this time last year I feel.

NIGHT TIME DAY TIME , yes its a pun on a BBC wild life video clip but it really is a case of the nights are/have this week been good. Loads of rays (by marina standards) seem to be almost throwing themselves at anglers some of the time, Brian Basco Bianquera managed to land 4 himself, no weight info but pictured is one of them mid week. Both walls have recorded some decent sized bass and mackerel shoals do seem to have been teasing anglers by showing up at silly o’clock in the mornings 1st light, and last light fade away. Bream numbers seem to be slowly picking up with bays on the west seemingly the best choices (work em out)
Ive not been told of any horse mac yet but who knows , they cant be that far away.
Regarding night fishing , please main lights & headlamps/torches lights down the side in the water .. BLUE prefered , white is ok but red and green are nav lights and a big no on … tip lights .. what ever you want, they r tip lights..
re lights in the water, please leave your car batteries at home , we do not need them on the walls & nor do we need people TAKING UNDERSIZED BASS.. watch your sizes, Sussex(IFCA) fisheries do patrol the walls randomly, be it day or night & they have received reports of people not paying attention to sizes so .. expect random visits up there.

The extension has been busy during the day and was booked out last weekend as is this weekend to private groups at night.
Want to book the extension at night ? get a group of 10 to 16 & a list of names preferred with a sole contact point. They then will book with David Grinham in the shop, The contact then becomes responsible for all that night on the extension, usual rules apply , no fishing inside, no tents no glass etc, you get the pic im sure.
Once you are settled on the extension pass your number to the night warden for easy contact etc & you get to fish up there in peace.. organiser then responsible as said for all behavior up there & making sure its handed over as clean as you found it . Easy eh ๐Ÿ™‚

the delayed round up

I have now finally updated the promised galleries, hopefully all the pics that are new will appear first on each of the galleries I added to Which includes the new LINE BINS with info about them on the LISA page and the pic on the marina gallery.
Fri and Sat were during the day somewhat sluggish verging on very hard for many. Thankfully the east has continued to tick over on plaice but notable exception to that has been the undulate rays showing up over there of which a couple have been added to the gallery. On the same note we do ask anglers who catch rays to release them all after picturing.

The west wall seemed to struggle more that the east did & most generally agree that things are 3-4 weeks behind on last years levels of catches. Fri there amounted to a couple of bream & tons of pouting, followed by Saturday producing a couple more bream and wrasse but none of size.
Thus we come to a night report for both evenings into the night. Wahey for the mackerel on Friday , a real life saver as the late evening exploded with huge shoals on both walls with the promise of great things from them for the weekend ! (a bit more on that later) Night fishing over the weekend was a definite up and better than the daytimes had been with some nice bass had (eg see steve cooper pic on bass gallery) on the east & congers landed & returned on the west.. add to that bream numbers increased through the nights, wrasse, plaice and a few smaller species. Yes more rays were landed at night and returned over the weekend.

The downer and bad news for anglers over the weekend was that some visitors on Especially Sat night produced a bit of a shit show, with people refusing to comply with marina RULES ABOUT PUTTING TENTS UP (NOT ALLOWED)LIGHTING BBQ’S (NOT ALLOWED)and then the night warden having to deal with DRUNKEN anglers bringing glass onto the walls (again NO GLASS allowed)and kicking off swearing and generally abusing not only the warden but other anglers around them to the degree that Marina security were called to attend and remove them. Sat night more than 6 anglers were kicked off the marina and it wont be tolerated by the marina, by the wardens and im pleased to say by other anglers who chose to intervene and assisted the duty warden, so a big thanks to them.

Back to the fishing reports and into Sunday daytime …. do you remember those Fri night shoals of mackerel ? yes ? good , bad news though , they never came back in numbers, bar a mini shoal sat eve over on the east for a few mins they vanished virtually until this morning (tues) when a fair few hit both walls about 4-5am ! Sun daytime was similar to fri/day … flipping tough going n a case of thank heavens for the plaice on the east which other than a couple of bream(yea they made it to the east) it was a plaice tick over for most but that was realy it over there. The west walls saving grace on sunday was that the extension produced a near dozen bream for the lads fishing the last bay and one 1st time sea angler getting his 1st 3 mackerel in one hit…

The real story of the walls over the weekend though was that it was crab city, a confirmed 5lb crab on the east and possibly 2 the same size on the west ! … monster sizes and tiddler sizes on the west by the ton & i hear heavy number on the east also … folks the SPIDER crabs have invaded ..

plenty of sunshine as the weather has improved so start packing the suncream as the walls are now open 24/7 and the weather has been superb the last few days and looks to continue more of the same for a week or more.
Enjoy the sun but take care, fishing on the walls you are very exposed so, prepare, take plenty of fluids & pack that sun cream , you will need it ๐Ÿ™‚

There we are, I promised a full write up, if you got this far , well done and if you are a member of our facebook group, keep us informed of your catches , take pictures, post the pics & those i feel or simply like may well end up on our galleries. Happy fishing folks and thats me signing off ๐Ÿ™‚

mon morning notes

Been bit of a long w/end & have some pics to upload later so will also do a better w/end update late, still a bit brain fried n body worn so will do a real round up later today or tomorrow , but in nutshell the night fishing has been a bit better than the days which are still a bit of a struggle, am shop bound this morning so if you are in & about the marina , drop by n say hi

a few day behind!

ok so ive missed a day or two but to be honest up to yesterday things had been fairly much the same will tick over reports from both walls being slow. standard for both were med-ok plaice on the east a wrasse or two and bits n pieces. west the same , a bream hear n there same with wrasse and lots of spider crabs.
Nights have improved though and the general news is its getting better and better on quality fish (those reported) especially bass. Fri to sun morning has seen some decent over 5lb bass an 8 for mullet 2 huge 4-5lb spider crabs & bream on the increase , pictured is the beastie had on the east yesterday & will be uploading more pics later today as pushed for time this sun morning

mon B/hol

Not the easiest day for anyone on the walls today. Constant hot sun could have lead to a few grumbles as the fish declined to play .. reporst on east vague other than a few plaice & mackies seen so cant give a fair round up …
West today i can only describe as a bith brutal , saw a couple of bream late on & a bass & conger returned , 4 or 5 mackerel by the end of the day as the walls closed & , yup, tons n tons of spider crabs… Lots of sun colourd skin that i hope doesnt bite people too much come tomorrow.
For me was great to catch up with some old faces & regulars that haddnt forgotten what i looked like so the humour on the west was good all day & while a poor day on the fish front i think most actually enjoyed the day on the wall

Fridays roundup

Thought id do this a little different today before posting “my report” from walking the west on friday , so in no real order ive poached some anglers reports from the facebook group ๐Ÿ™‚ & what i think is my fave pic of the day.. so good to see kids having a great day out.
Nicholas White

ย A quick update from the East over the last few days. As Frank said very slow, Yesterday (Friday) 11am – 7pm bay 29ish just past the gate. Several plaice had been caught before I arrive. Bait was 5 wraps black lug and 2 packs rag worm from the Tackle Box. Nice bait through not a lot in the rag packs. ยฃ32.50, have prices gone up? Anyway back to fishing, it was a day of hard fought mini species, 3 dabs, 2 place and 2 mackerel, dabs and plaice went back, mackerel kept for bait today, Saturday. Lost hooks, didn’t count, but 2 very large spider crabs brought in and hand lined up the wall. 1 given away, one sent back to torment other anglers. Today, 7:30am – 4pm, wet start, bays packed, managed to find one around 32ish. still setting up when mackerel on, surprise to everyone around as nothing else had been caught. Had one plaice 33.5cm early on and kept, see picture, the rest of the day was spent again with a few dabs and plaice undersized and supplying the content of my hook box to the crab community. Bites were few and very far between. Weed hit at high tide and tidal pull created a few scenes with lines 3 bays away catching other lines. Sun decided to bar-b-q those without suntan lotion but didn’t improve the mackerel situation with many a bad back tonight after feathering all day with little joy. Great to be back on the wall, not great to be static just outside the Blackwall tunnel on the way home for over an hour. Good luck all, tight lines and stay safe. (Nick)
Riley Fleet

Very good night on the arm 2 smoothounds 2 dogs a small conga and 2 place and a big spider crab

Craig Gosling


ย ย ย ยทย Well, the cool wind is still blowing at night, bastard thing… I arrived at the marina yesterday very early to get the spots we wanted, there’s issues with this as my fishing buddies would be arriving in dribs and drabs all evening, and it’s a Bank Holiday and it’s sunny, and we all know how that can be….However…. A champions league final meant EVERYONE was leaving as I arrived, being a Chelsea boy I really didn’t want to miss this, but I wasn’t going to miss the tide either…..I set up, and decided as bugger all would happen till darkness I’d have a tackle box tidy and make some rigs….Matt Barnicoat was the first arrival, bringing with him the bt sports so I watched the game , then Lewis Hide then Steve Cooper… We all set about trying for lives…..We had plaice, wrasse, pout, sole, eels n dogs… Everything but the lives we wanted, I’m never shocked by this as darkness is always the bringer.We fished till high this morning, and I don’t think I’ve laughed that much in ages, Lewis with tinder tales, matty with the jokes and coops bought the crudeness… It was brilliant For all our efforts the only bass of the night fell to me, on squid.. And a conger, then a bigger conger… But all in all, like the football, it was a night to remember, even if it wasn’t a goal fest.

And finally if you got this far, my sum up of the west yesterday

Frank Parker


so a west wall round up … it was a bit pants ……ok revised to make it look better …a couple of nice bass had, a decent wrasse up by the tower, 5 mackerel100 pout and likely as not a crab or crabs for everyone that wanted them .. and those that didnt…Was a tough old day , at one point the wall reached what id call capacity with maybe 5 rods per bay BUT.. ppl were all in a good mood which made the monitoring side a pleasure and easy..a hard start with everyone staring at the water as the crabs marched in , I swear they were carrying knives n forks coz many of the baits stood no chance… a little flurry of mackerel flashed past b4 ppl even realised they had been .. n gone. Mark got a pic of a small bream and for me i think the best fish of the day was the wrasse landed & pictured prior to being released.A couple of decent bass got winkled out but in all things were tough. Busy in number , some old faced popped down or were having a go but all in all it was controlled, calm & i feel people were happy to be out & having a go , for me it was great to be back at it, its been a while.A couple of issues over night as the new warden got tested by some idiots on the east, 2 got their marching orders and visitors need reminding we have a NO TENT/NO BBQ/NO GLASS policy on the wall.Feel free to test that , but you will be asked to leave rather than camp on a bay preventing other from fishing prime spots.we will get there and the anglers that fish at night will work with us to make the marina a venue that ppl can enjoy, and can fish in peace while feeling safe. That we do with your help.Ive had a great day on the west, made time to speak to everyone and the jabs in my knees have genuinely given me a fresh lease on life with luck for a few months… see you out there

thurs/fri roundup

two very different days with decent catches of mullet mid east on the bottom , a superb cuttle on the west, defo the biggest ive seen on the walls & pictured here. A few fat mackerel , plaice even a bream got winkled out on the west which to my knowledge was the 1st this year confirmed./

Fri was an absolute battle with many long faces in the sun and proved to be a day of hard knocks and a rush of pouting over the high followed by the spider crab invasion… a nice day out in the sunshine for me , not so good for some as things proved tough going

Tues roundup

Not a massive amount to say due to erratic weather patterns and walls closing or being open in churned up waters. Mucky water out there today with a fair amount of weed rolling through until near the high tide when it cleared somewhat.. by 2pm it wasnt pleasant in the choppy conditions & wall was closed at 4pm today…
Tomorrow both will open, the east at 6am , the west will be a bit delayed so that proper checks can be done prior to opening about 8am.

Mon round up

Well the weekend was somewhat grubby with showers and a strong SWest breeze hampering things on the west but.. inspite of that mackerel were had on the west over the weekend with the water doing its best to stay cloudy rather than muddy & showing good signs for this coming week. The 1st decent wrasse were recorded high on the east but fishing was as said by anglers up there … challenging to say the least while pulling out a +11lb conger !.. Some decent plaice amongst the smaller ones, hound pups , bass & schoolies over on the east but many simply found it was a day for eels & flatties … pictured is Glenn with a nice brace of plaice.
