BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

The Famous Tackle Box Brighton

The Famous Tackle Box Brighton


WEATHER & ALERTs:-08/01/2025

update :- wed 8th JAN :-

Due to winter weather and lack of access there is now a heavy algae build up on both walls which will prevent us opening until the calmer spring weather sets in. As a result of this both walls will now be closed until prob late February & once the weather allows access to jet wash and sort required repairs.

both walls now closed for the winter due to algae build up and damages that will be in need of repair work



After fairly extensive talks with wall users, boat skippers and duty wardens on the marina walls we have decided to make changes to the general use of lighting on the west wall at night.
From the 1st of NOVEMBER the only lights allowed on the wall will be standard headlamps, small personal lights/torches for rig tying/kit checks.
the use of SPOTLIGHTS fixed to the walls of any sort will be banned.

Single underwater lights with a blue filter may be used.
This change is being brought in for the safety of boats in the vicinity of the marina (a working harbour) and for the benefit of the general running and fishing conditions on the Marina walls.
HEADLAMPS must be fully blue lights or if using standard white lighting they must be filtered blue to reduce glare. Wardens can provide blue filter media at a small cost for those without filters, blue carrier bags can also be suitable if double layered.

 …SHOP SPECIAL OFFER :- Competition IMAX F3 Beach shelter 3 for sale reduce to £75 also some PENN Afinity 3 reels, reduced from £200 now £150.F

currently shut

We can be found on facebook groups atBrighton Marina fishing UK

……………………… the lower levels are ANGLERS ONLY, all on lower level must hold a valid ticket… everyone  will be charged and must hold a valid ticket 

2024 squid competition

…….NIGHT FISHING OPEN….BLUE LIGHTS ONLY on all powered lights. Help us to help you, please alert us to any issues and take your litter with you Thank you……………………………………………………..


CLOSED due to damage

Expected closed until late FEB 2025

(open subject to weather 7.30am-4.30pm daytime sessions/if night fishing 24/7)

CLOSED until jetwashing begins in the spring


BLUE LIGHTS or blue filters compulsory at night

BAIT:-WEST WALL :- Frozen bait available when shop closed see duty NIGHT warden

SHOP hrs :-

due to walls being closed its hard for me to predict or post shop hours so best advise I have is to ring direct about 10am

BAIT PRICES (subject to availability)

Baits can be pre – ordered and put aside for day of collection by ringing the shop direct on 01273 696477
Fresh Black Lugworm £5
Fresh Ragworm £5
Frozen Black £5
Frozen Squid (pkt) £5
Frozen Squid(box) £7
Frozen Mackerel £5
Frozen SandEels £5

Please note that neither the Tacklebox or the Marina breakwaters Hire rod or fishing equipment


DAY RATES :- (6am -5.59pm) to fish
ADULT 1 ROD £6 & 2 RODs £7 / EXTRA RODs £4 EACH

NIGHT RATE :- (6pm -5.59am) to fish
ADULT £10, 1 or 2 RODS if room any extra rods £5 each
CHILD/OAP £5 ,1 or 2RODs


The lower levels on the marina are for anglers only, the rule has been there 20+ years and can be seen on the many of the old signs fixed to the walls at the bottom of steps to the lower fishing level.
There are also signs on the upper levels just prior to going down the steps. as those signs says
“anglers only on lower level and ALL ON LOWER LEVER must have a permit”.
This means if an angler has other people with them on the lower level they will or should be expected to becharged.

Daytime charge rate starts at 6am/night rate starts at 6pm
A day ticket potentially can last 12 hrs if you arrive at 6am, likewise same at night
WE do guarantee 8 hours on a ticket to all anglers minimum.
Thus if you arrived at say 4am during the night session an 8 hr guarantee would take you into the day session through until mid-day, any time from this point you could then be asked to renew or leave. Likewise a 3pm ticket’s 8hr guarantee would last you until 1am and any time from this point if staying you would be expected to renew.

Please note, glass is not permitted on either wall
NO TENTS/GLASS OR BBQ’s allowed, no exceptions

A MAX OF 4 PEOPLE fishing a bay please
VALID PERMIT/TICKET holders only .
BLUE LIGHTS ONLY at night on the walls
(tip chemical lights excepted)

Please help us to help you, any issues, please alert us, wardens are only a call away and bad behaviour on the walls should not to be tolerated by anyone
Scooter/chair width clearance 63cm.

BLUE headlamps and lighting only on the marina walls This includes underwater lights.(chem tip lights are ok)
blue markers will be carried by wardens during the transition

Please note that the towpath by the boats runs alongside residential flats. THIS PATH IS CLOSED 10PM EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 8AM.


Welcome to the Famous TackleBox Brighton.
We are located in Brighton Marina across the road from the bus stops by McDonalds.
Owned until recently (16th May 2023)by David Grinham, and now new owner Philip Metcalf. The TackleBox supply fresh bait daily and carry a wide selection of frozen baits. We have been in the Marina for over 30 years and stock a vast range of fishing equipment.
Rod & reel Combos,”ready to go” can be found on special deals alongside more specialised fishing equipment.
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we stock a wide assortment of
  • Bait
  • Rods
  • Reels
  • Rod Rests
  • Clothing
  • End Tackle
  • Specialised weights
  • We also do some limited rod repairs and builds

<><>Major announcement<><>

marina walls and shop get new management and owners

A message from Dave and a changing of the guard

Well I’m sure most of you out there have heard the rumours of my intention to relinquish the management of the marina fishing arms.
  Well here it is officially!

From Tuesday 16th of may one of my wardens, namely Mark Robinson takes over that responsibility.
  Mark has worked hard over the last four years to earn this chance to manage what is in effect one of the biggest sea fishing venues anywhere that is open to the public, and I’m sure  you will all wish him every success.

Also on that same day I will be saying goodbye to my shop “The Famous Tackle Box”. The new owner is Philip Metcalf who has a good knowledge of all things sea fishing and will retain all my wonderful staff through this transition.

I would like to say a massive thanks to all my wardens who have helped over the last 28 years, YOU Know who you are,  and the many others. Without their help I could never have carried on for so long.
Thank you also to all of my staff, past and present in the tackle shop and of course all of my many customers old and new, both on the walls and in the shop in all of its locations.

At this point I would also like to thank the many friends that I have made along the way, I will miss you all.
Special thanks also for all the help with the social media and maintenance issues goes out to good friends
Frank Parker/ Craig Gosling/ Robin (fishyRob) Howard/ Steve Cooper and anyone else I have no doubt that I have missed out there.

I will still be about the marina, Jet washing (surprise surprise) and assisting Mark with some of the maintenance jobs.
I can’t wait to do some fishing on the walls so I may well see some you all down there one day soon.
Last of all my thanks to the marina directors
 John Davey, Andrew Knight, and Colin Tribe for all of their support and backing over the years and thanks also to their security and cleaning staff
Thank you all

Dave Grinham

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A note from myself (frank)
I like a few out there have know these changes were coming but to see it actually in text on the website still comes with stirred emotions.

Ive know Dave as long as Ive known the marina, either to fish it or as a warden or indeed at times in the shop but much much more than that as a friend to myself and family and to the many anglers he has helped so freely in so many ways.

Obviously I wish Philip Metcalf and Mark Robinson the greatest success with the shop and walls which have been even before I was aware of them:) but boy does it seem strange that there is now a changing of the guard so to speak!

Needless to say any help to both I can give will be given and this website will continue for the benefit of the tacklebox and the marina fishing walls.

Dave, your familiar face will be missed in the shop and on the walls not only as a boss and familiar face to many but mostly as a friend by the many whose lives (Including mine) you have touched. Hope to see you out there fishing really soon.
regards to all

Final words from Dave can be found on the blog dated 13th May 2023

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