BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

The East Wall

The East Wall

Please,DO NOT bring GLASS onto the wall, a maximum of 2 rods per person
new prices change as of 1st June 2023

Please note there is no parking in the east small carpark near the café of ANY kind
All parking is in the Multi Storey, please avoid a fine, park wisely


All on the lower level should have a valid ticket, fishing or not a ticket is required
If you fish with a non angler they will be charged . Lower levels of both walls are strictly anglers only and everyone will be charged accordingly, (juniors may be excepted at the discretion of the duty warden)

Please, a maximum of 2 rods per person

Fishing Charges


DAY SESSION :- 6am – 6pm
ADULT 1 ROD £6 & 2 RODs £7 / EXTRA RODs £4 EACH


Daytime charge rate starts at 6am/night rate starts at 6pm
A day ticket potentially can last 12 hrs if you arrive at 6am, likewise same at night
WE do guarantee 8 hours on a ticket to all anglers minimum.
Thus if you arrived at say 4am during the night session an 8 hr guarantee would take you into the day session through until mid-day anywhen from this point you could be asked to renew or leave. Likewise a 3pm ticket’s 8hr guarantee would last you until 1am and any time from this point if staying you would be expected to renew

All spectators on lower levels require a valid ticket even if they are not fishing

A 6-6 session being the maximum of 12 hours, a ticket guarantees you 8 hrs minimum


So, the long walk as some call it. The east wall or Breakwater is at the far end of the marina, It is also the way to get too the undercliff walk footpath. Turn left in the corner for the cliff walk turn right to the wall.

A MAX OF 4 TO A BAY please,


Fishing the wall

How do you pay and how much is is ? Wall fees are collected by a duty warden, They wear a green “marina warden” jacket and carry id. Wall fees are shown above, while the night fishing at the moment is limited we hope this will change soon. So best to start with some wall rules.

  • Supermarket Trollies or marina barrows not allowed on the wall or anywhere else in the marina
  • No BBQ’s or open fires,
  • small gas burners are permitted
  • U14 Must be accompanied at all times
  • Night fishing,(when allowed) U18’s Must be with an Adult
  • No casting inside or Pendulum casting
  • No running
  • No climbing on fences, wires or front wall
  • Alcohol, please in moderation NO GLASS BOTTLES PERMITTED
  • no tents
  • please check the fish sizes guides which can be found by clicking the link
  • Shelters may be permitted by duty warden in adverse weather

We ask all visitors to respect other wall users, please moderate any music volumes, and please be respectful to others around them. Drinking is allowed but please within reasonable limits. If you are deemed to be drunk you will be asked to leave
Please take all litter with you, skip bins are provided at the ends of both walls.

Duty Wardens and issues on the wall

Every day there will be a duty warden (nights included when allowed to open) Wardens are there not only to collect money and issue wall fishing permits but to also ensure wall safety for all visitors.

They will often offer advice and directions on the walls.
Wardens may ask to check catches to ensure legal sizes are being adhered to (see size regs page) or simply give some tips on what to fish for or with.

Any problems for visitors should be directed towards the wardens, or if not available visitors should ring the shop (01273 696477) for guidance. Often a swift resolution can be found or the duty warden can be notified and sent to assist. A message left on the facebook group will also get a fairly quick response.

Please respect our wardens, they are there to help and guide visitors, and while issues do arise that may need intervention we have a zero tolerance policy towards abuse of our wardens and shop staff.


Please note  at night  any under 18’s MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Lets fish the wall

So the most common question answered , what can I expect to catch on the wall ? There is no quick answer, weather, winds, general conditions and even what bay you are on can make big or subtle differences, on a good day in summer one warden witnessed over 25 separate species caught by two anglers! granted not all from the same bay so as very basic guide to some of the bays & what may be about during a visit, I will list some species but leave it to you to figure if they were summer or winter catches and will begin with a note for junior interests then move onto bay one.

Occupying the Juniors

Juniors should stay with adults at all times , the age allowed on the wall unsupervised is 14 and if night fishing 18. Catches for juniors with light gear can be found literally down the side or V’s where the wired posts are. Many a micro species can be found on most bays ranging from small scorpion fish to blennies, pout, rockling sprats and crabs. Light lines down the side can occupy even the smallest on the wall, as to which bays are best usually the rougher ground on the early 15 bays but very often something can be found down most of the bays on the wall. Crab nets are permitted at a small charge and can be quite productive deployed again down the “Vs” with a few scraps of old fish or to be honest anything edible.

Bays 1-8 The Low Bays

These bays are often overlooked by the casual angler as “no good” due to being rocky, snaggy and sometimes no water on the low tides. There is also a belief by some that the only fish worth catching are in deep water so go marching up the wall to get “as far out” as possible. Please dont buy into this idea as it’s simply not the case.
Bays 1-5 are regularly fished for mullet in the summer as well as pollack and Bass.
Often floats are used here to avoid the bottom and live baits and lures can be quite productive. Wrasse are common from bay 4 upwards to bay 10 with bream catches from 6 up to 14 area. Eels, mackerel, Squid, Cuttle and gar are not unusual here and in summer are probably the most over looked bays on the wall(unless its packed and ppl settle here hoping to be moved up. Dont be fooled, at the right times these bays can produce all sorts of species including plenty of micro species for the youngsters down those Vs.

Bays 8- 15 after the rough

These bays tend to be overspill bays for those wanting to fish “the bend”. The lower end is still rough and rocky but by 12 its changing to mussel bed and shingle bottom with sand starting about bay 15, hence the break down split.
Flatfish are common catches here with more flounder chances than most of the remaining wall especially after some rains as they rinse extra fresh water out of the rivers. I guess there is a logical reason for the increased activity but I’m not that clued up on why. Plaice do ok as do dover sole catches here, with the sole best in coloured water and again seemingly active when it rains, Old smelly baits can be useful for sole and a decent excuse on why not to get rid of that old lug bait, yes stinky baits can work.
Close in on these bays again you will find bream, wrasse, bass, mullet, and squid and cuttlefish and it is quite Common to see floats used here although I think float fishing is often overlooked here in favour of long casting out (that belief again of needing deep water to catch fish) but mostly casting out is the usual battle plan for most. Anglers above bay 12 will now start to notice lines starting to drift left or right depending on the tide state and should keep a close eye on the direction of casting and then the direction of the line drag as the tide pulls weight and line in the direction of the flow. Crossed lines for those not paying attention to their line drift can start to be an issue the closer to the wall bend you get…

Bays 15-22 onto the bend

These bays can be some of the busiest bays on the wall, and also the bays with the most issues. The tide change here can catch many out, the tidal flow can “run fast” and crossed lines are most common here , wardens untangling lines & cooling frayed moods here are not unusual, all mostly due to careless casting or anglers not paying attention to line drift These bays are not really bays for the novice or newcomers but sometimes you take what you can get on what can be a very busy wall and bay area in the summer and especially at weekends.
Most summer species will be caught here and the bottom or “ground” is now out onto the sand. Flatfish do well here ranging from Plaice, to rays and small turbot have been known to be caught here. Worm baits and squid are a good bet for this area and will catch most species. Other species now that you are out on the sand include gurnards, red mullet, brill, mackerel, herring, Bass, Gar, dog fish, whiting and all are a regular feature here, the downside is on the big tides you often need big weights unless fishing straight down the side. Yes the V’s here hold micro species for the young dabblers as well.

Bays 22-45 the “front end”

So mid wall & onto the straight bit we go and when fully open this is where the spaces open up for those still walking up the wall(its1.4km long) & the bottom is allegedly all sand & snag free. This area is Ideal for the beginners and fairly snag free so as long as your knots are good the loss of gear should be fairly low, “crack offs” excepted. Flat fish are common here as well as gurnards mackerel, some bream can be found down the side along with wrasse. Add mackerel, bass and gar and tbh something for most.
As you go further up the wall most find that there is plenty of room to spread out a little away from the crowds.
Flatties in abundance, gurnards, rays, bass sometimes herring in the spring, squid during their mating runs ! Gar & mackerel aplenty here occasionally bream on selective numbers & even pollack and coal fish have been known here. The higher bays here are the spread out and chill bays of the wall where much seems to slow down & have a chilled out feel to them. A word of caution here though for the unwary. In the summer these bays are very exposed with no shelter from the sun so please prepare and ensure you have some form of sun protection, plenty of fluids and hats are advised, it is very easy to get baked out on the wall and sun stroke is a nasty thing to get, yet alone deal if if a youngster gets caught out..

Bays 45-50 The steps & beyond

Bays 45 and up are Much seen by regulars as the quiet space away from the crowds with the easy access via the steps from the upper level at bays 45 & 64. Just about everything mentioned so far can “sometimes” be found here. As I said earlier I have known people to catch 20+ species in a day sometimes and is not as hard as it sounds. The EAST wall can be a big species producer.
This region is far away from the faster current of the bend and has a good view of boats coming and going from the marina and has a charm of its own for those wanting to chill as they fish. A popular spot for anglers “of a certain age” wanting a bit of peace and quiet away from the “loons” that cram the bend in summer !
This region Can be very productive one day & very hard work another. It gets a mix of flat fish & often species headed toward the rocks like Bass & Mullet, Bream, Wrasse and lots of micro species. a bit further up past the dogleg shape in the wall as it dips inwards to bay 60.

Bays 50-61Where the club’s at

These higher bays are often the hang out of the Palace pier club members. For many of them its a place to gather unhindered from the casual visitors and those that don’t fancy “the walk”. There are Rocks to the right of 60 and sand in front of the bays which can produce some very good and varied fishing. Pollack are common and bass fishing for the patient can be very rewarding. Bream, wrasse, pollack , mullet and bass lurk around or in the rocks and plenty of flatfish out on the sand. Mackerel and gar do well here in late summer and float fishing here can produce a surprisingly large number of species at all depths .

Bay 60 was the favourite spot for Eddie “JOCK” Tannock to float fish, Eddie was a much loved member of the shop team until his passing and a memorial plaque can be found on the counter in the tacklebox as well as a marker up on the wall I am told .

Bay 61 to 73

These bays are all rock, a barrier to protect the Breakwater front & mostly unfished as casting and retrieving is often problematic. Some do fish it & mostly rock bound species are found here.

Bay 74 “The end”

The final bay on the wall just in front of the end “round” bit. This bay needs to be fished with caution as it is virtually on top of the marina entrance so special care needs to be taken with line distances & a duty of care towards all boat traffic in and out of the busy marina entrance, Flatfish do well here especially sole. Bream and wrasse are common to the left in the rocky crevasses. This bay is a very popular bay & has often seen “races to the end” to be first onto the bay.

Hopefully these words will give the new and casual visitors a better idea of what can be found on the marina. While I have listed many species there is much more to the lists than typed here. Crabs & lobsters are common and at some times of the year spider crabs come in on their mating and re-shelling process and to many can be a pain in the butt, again overlooked by many as the larger crabs do make good eating and are often overlooked.
