Events Gen info

These pages are for events and news of events primarily on the walls as well as news/links to other local and group events that may be upcoming and of interest to people.
If you have an event that you would like posted here please contact us via the homepage link or via the marina fishing facebook page
— L.I.S.A. —Events
All L.I.S.A. Events are open to everyone, basically rock up & join in, Events raise funds for RNLI mostly & sometimes other nominated causes. Friendly competition advice and banter, membership is not a requirement.
£10 entry.
Biggest fish wins the pot and pot size depends on numbers fishing, but generally, 50% pot to winner and 50% to ‘good causes’ supported by LISA, usually RNLI. Two rods, 4 hooks total and no bait restrictions. Social rather than seriously competitive
All welcome