And John š
Yup he knows who he is.
So, one or reading today will know that I was on the East wall yesterday with a m8. Colin rang me from London to get an update on the walls as he hadnt been down for a year or more(health & fam) and more to the point he was wanting to fish end of this week. I advised that Wed/Thurs would be a bit of a bust on how he fishes but he was that keen he opted to “do” Thurs afternoon. Thus I ended up on the EAST in a somewhat over forecast breezy- wind blown east wall, the west needless to say for the 2nd day was deserted as conditions on that side were crap and very splashy.
We arrived about 1pm with a high @ 5.09 pm with plans to fish 13/14 knowing the front would be quite choppy. needless to say the 1st 20 bays were quite busy but we slipped in on bay 7 &8 hoping for bream over the high.
Short story, I blanked again but did manage a few more bites than my previous visit, Colin had a couple of colourful Pout. Yup colourful, the skins shimmered in the light much in the way petrol can do chucking up a load of colours.
The longer version as well as the above was Ive been sussed out! 20 mins after arriving Glen wandered down (fishing with his dad) & always good to meet ppl on the wall, familiar faces make the walls as welcoming as they are.
Ironic then that his 1st words were “are you fishing today ” he followed up b4 I could answer with “or are you gonna spend the day yapping again”
yup Ive been sussed, having spent so little time on the walls over the last 3-4 years and far less time even fishing I find myself bumping into old faces & chin wagging with them chewing the fat so to speak and catching up that I spend more time wandering up and down the wall chatting with the many that I know I end up missing bites, not paying attention to rods out and end up posting reports like this one saying how I blanked. I may be a poor angler but boy it seems I can yap at international levels for England :).
As always Glen & Roy was good chatting with you and also getting an indication of things being caught by people actually fishing (unlike myself). Gossiped with a 30 year+ regular in Karim who many will recall used to camp on bays 57-60 many weekends frustrating tons of people who was fishing on bay 1 and doing ok fish wise, more of which I shall round up below. A couple of familiar faces also said hi & gave me their names but, as some may know, I’m crap with names and I guess should start carrying a note pad because I cant recal names for shit !
Also John, a marina resident and angler stopped and had a few words, and as I know he will be reading this I do have good news in that the dude we spoke about is alive and well and successfully has been treated.
So a catch report or round up other than my blanking skills. With quite strongish westerly breezes the fishing on the west was all but non existent for much of the time so no obvious feedback. The east early bays have been doing well for the bass hunters, Karim had a couple of nice keepers yesterday and a starey smoothound pup of about 5lb. Most of the week has produced small hounds all along the front sections of the east and there are plenty of spidercrabs close in to the wall to collect for bait. The bass & hounds are loving them. There have been a few bream but with the wind up the water even on the east has been quite cloudy.
Granted the “fish” round up seems short today add this to the prior posts to get a general idea of how things are going on the walls.
we now have a few days of decent settled weather ahead but be advised , looking ahead XCWEATHER is showing another wind blow westerly roughly WED-Fri and may even cause issues Sat, defo on the west and may cause the west to be closed to night fishing wed,thurs even maybe Fri night next week. Needless to say we will keep an eye on it but, please check into the home page b4 traveling 50+ miles only to find a wall closed.
welll I think thats it from me today so I will bid you all as usual ADIEU
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