The West Wall
After fairly extensive talks with wall users, boat skippers and duty wardens on the marina walls we have decided to make changes to the general use of lighting on the west wall at night.
From the 1st of NOVEMBER the only lights allowed on the wall will be standard headlamps and small personal lights/torches for rig tying and kit checks.
the use of SPOTLIGHTS fixed to the walls and underwater lights of any sort will be banned.
This change is being brought in for the safety of boats in the vicinity of the marina (a working harbour) and for the benefit of the general running and fishing conditions on the Marina walls.
HEADLAMPS must be fully blue lights or if using standard white lighting they must be filtered blue to reduce glare. Wardens can provide blue filter media at a small cost for those without filters, blue carrier bags can also be suitable if double layered.
Please, DO NOT bring GLASS onto the wall, a maximum of 2 rods per person
new prices since 1st June 2023
All parking is in the Multi Storey, please avoid a fine, park wisely.
All on the lower level should have a valid ticket, fishing or not a ticket is required
If you fish with a non angler they will be charged . Lower levels of both walls are strictly anglers only and everyone will be charged accordingly, (juniors may be excepted at the discretion of the duty warden).
Fishing Charges
DAY SESSION :- 6am – 6pm
ADULT 1 ROD £6 & 2 RODs £7 / EXTRA RODs £4 EACH
NIGHT SESSIONs :- 6pm – 6 am BLUE headLights must be used at night
ADULT £10 MAX 2 RODS- if room any extra rod £5 ea
Non anglers on lower level when permitted will be charged £5.00(accompanied children may be excepted at the discretion of the duty warden)
Daytime charge rate starts at 6am/night rate starts at 6pm
A day ticket potentially can last 12 hrs if you arrive at 6am, likewise same at night
WE do guarantee 8 hours on a ticket to all anglers minimum.
Thus if you arrived at say 4am during the night session an 8 hr guarantee would take you into the day session through until mid-day anywhen from this point you could be asked to renew or leave. Likewise a 3pm ticket’s 8hr guarantee would last you until 1am and any time from this point if staying you would be expected to renew
All spectators on lower levels require a valid ticket even if they are not fishing
A 6-6 session being the maximum of 12 hours, a ticket guarantees you 8 hrs minimum
How to find the West wall
Access to the west wall is either by the sea front west of the Volks railway station carpark or via the marina and Asda car park. In the corner of Asda carpark is the marina carwash and a tunnel access out of the marina to the beach. Go through and immediately turn left and left doing a “U” turn onto the path accessing the west wall. It’s a walk of a couple of minutes for the younger generation or 5+ for the more elder of users.
The duty warden has the discretion to allow household members to share a bay subject to any covid rules set and it doesn’t cause any issues with nearby anglers.
Current spacing guidance is 1 meter, and for customer safety Dave has decided to maintain this
A MAX OF 4 PEOPLE TO A BAY to allow other anglers to pass safely through the bay.
Fishing the wall
How do you pay and how much is is ? Wall fees are collected by a duty warden, They wear a green “marina warden” jacket and carry id. Wall fees are shown above, and night fishing will be posted on that specific webpage. So best to start with some wall rules.
- Supermarket Trollies or marina barrows not permitted to be used anywhere within the marina
- No BBQ’s or open fires,
- small gas burners are permitted
- U14 Must be accompanied at all times
- Night fishing(when permitted), U18’s Must be with an Adult
- No casting inside or Pendulum casting
- No running
- No climbing on fences, wires or front wall
- Alcohol , please in moderation.. NO GLASS BOTTLES
- Currently no tents
- please check the fish sizes guides
- Shelters permitted at warden discretion in adverse weather conditions
We ask all visitors to respect others, moderate any music volumes, to be respectful to others around them. Drinking is allowed but please within reasonable limits. And please take all litter with you, skip bins are provided at the ends of both walls.
Duty wardens and issues on the wall
Every day there will be a duty warden (nights included when allowed to open) Wardens are there not only to collect money and issue wall fishing permits but to also ensure wall safety for all visitors.
They will often offer advice and directions on the walls. Wardens may ask to check catches to ensure legal sizes are being adhered to (see size regs page) or simply give some tips on what to fish for or with.
Any problems for visitors should be directed towards the wardens or if not available visitors should ring the shop (01273 696477) for guidance. Often a swift resolution can be found or the duty warden can be notified and sent to assist.
Please respect our wardens, they are there to help and guide visitors, and while issues do arise that may need intervention we have a zero tolerance policy towards abuse of our wardens and shop staff.
Please note at night any under 18’s MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Lets fish the west wall
So the most common question answered , what can I expect to catch on the wall ? There is no quick answer, weather, winds, general conditions and even what bay you are on can make big or subtle differences. I will list some species but leave it to you to figure if they were summer or winter catches and will begin with a note for junior interests then move onto bay one.
Occupying the juniors
Juniors should stay with adults at all times , the age allowed on the wall unsupervised is 14 and if night fishing 18. Catches for juniors with light gear can be found literally down the side or V’s where the wired posts are. Many a micro species can be found on most bays ranging from small scorpion fish to blennies, pout, rockling sprats and crabs. Light lines down the side can occupy even the smallest on the wall
Bays 1-5 The beginning
So here we are on the lowest numbers on the west wall. These are the least snaggy of all the west wall bays but not snag free. Catches here are often bass & and most likely flatfish close in are flounders. Plaice, eels crabs and mullet are not unusual here.
Bays 5-10 the lower bays
These like 1-5 are cleanish & gradually go from cleanish to rough & rocky quite rapidly. As a result it they can be popular with west wall regulars for a few reasons. Plaice and sole are common catches here and the bays can often avoid the mayhem that spider crabs cause. The higher numbers in this section attract bream anglers as the sand patches give way to the west wall rocky dominance. Wrasse, eels, mullet and plenty of micro species will be found here.
Bays 10-15 mid wall towards the curve
In summer these bays and above get super busy, especially over high tides. Mackerel season can be chaotic ! The west also gets busy fast as it is the closest wall to the multi carpark allowing for an in & out fast for those just wanting a few summer fish quickly. Wrasse and bream dominate this area close in to the wall, or as said , straight down the side.
These bays are super snaggy and known as a tackle graveyard for good reason . Check your lines & rigs and carry spares. Assume this wall with steal gear from you every visit. Plaice are often ad distance and rays are common at night,(one blonde went 15+lb) Summer hounds & tope have been known and the west is a good spot for seasonal squid and cuttlefish.
Bays 16-24 up to the tower block
These bays in the summer can get extremely busy, especially when the mackerel “are in”. They do have something that the rest of the bays on both walls don’t have and that is 2 dedicated “FLOAT/LURE” bay. Restrictions on these during the covid situation have been relaxed to allow anyone to fish them normally.
The last 2 bays AND THE CORNER BIT are designated float AND SINGLE LURE bays. Under normal fishing times these are enforced to maintain a tackle free environment. If you fish the bottom here you will be asked to move. Please do not set up with the idea that “you will move if someone shows up” This area is not for bottom fishing so please respect other anglers that may wish to fish an area that is being kept free of lost gear.
These bays like most of the west wall are very rough ground and will produce decent bream, bass and eels. less plaice in front of these bays than the rest of the wall in general.
The toilet block and extension
At the end of the main section of the west wall is some fixed gates and the Toilet block. Yes there is actually a toilet in the Toilet block ! These gates are usually opened in the summer for overspill or when busy kept open for all anglers to use the extension area to fish from.
One proviso the marina require for having the extension open is that the end section is supervised at all times. As a result it is not open all the time and usually only during daylight hours.
When night fishing is allowed the Extension can be opened to groups of anglers by arrangement through the shop direct or via Dave.
So what to expect on the extension ? Well it is similar to the upper level of the west in that it is very rocky & will happily take tackle from you with little effort. Large baits tend to be the norm at night & bream & wrasse the main target during the day. Plaice , rays red mullet , bass Mullet and gar are frequently caught here as well as squid & cuttlefish when “in season”.
I have deliberately not mentioned mackerel on the pages simply because when they arrive it is telegraphed to the world & simply put, anywhere on the marina can become a mackerel spot.