BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

Visitors Guide

Visitors Guide

Welcome To the site and welcome to the marina. This mini guide is to give you a feel for where to go and what to expect within the marina on your way onto the Marina Breakwaters, or as most call them the East and west walls. Included here is info on parking, the tacklebox itself, marina facilities and how to get onto either of the fishing walls/breakwaters.

Marina Parking

Please note ALL PARKING for fishing is in the multi storey car park, no exceptions.

The multi story car park in the marina is free to use although signs indicate and show 4 hour parking. This is to deter those using it as a park & ride facility.
The reality is that as long as you are using the marina or its facilities the parking is free for the duration of your visit, but please note :-

ASDA have a large carpark that is monitored and chargeable, they issue fines if you exceed its time limits. Asda’s car park does not have free parking and if you are planning a fishing trip or even a trip in general to the marina we dont recommend using it.

Your fishing ticket is proof of your use of the marina and invaluable should you find a ticket on your car after your visit. It does happen occasionally as the marina utilise a private parking firm to monitor all of the car parks and visitor bays within the marina, occasionally cars get ticketed by over eager personnel but it is easily resolved.

Level one is for family and disabled parking and is closely monitored so please ensure you are parked in the appropriate sections.

Wardens will advise if asked about parking for you to keep your ticket for a week or two just in case you receive an over stay ticket, its proof you were using the marina facilities. Providing you were not miss using family or disability bays the parking fine can quickly be resolved. It has been known for anglers to return to their car and find they have a ticket on their windshield and assuming you were correctly parked we suggest you take a quick picture of your parked car and pay a quick visit to the marina security office sited at the top of the stairs just infront of the WEST QUAY pub. Show them your fishing ticket and if asked the pic of your car and 99.99% of time this issue will be sorted there & then.

All other parking area’s in the marina are specialised bays, residents or businesses and their visitors/deliveries. Parking in these area’s is not advised when fishing in the marina. For further advice on where to park and/or restrictions we advise visitors to check with the Marina security office on 01273 693636.

Park correctly and you will avoid the risk of fines.

Driving to the east wall (droping off)

Anglers can drive to the east wall TO UNLOAD but the driver must return the car to the multi for parking no exceptions.
There is no parking beyond the roundabout barrier without a badge or permit to be there.

Anglers and visitors may use the eastern carpark as a pick up drop off location and to do this drive into the marina and take the 3rd left on the large roundabout and continue EAST until you reach the 2nd roundabout and lodge building that will be on your left. Here you will find vehicle barriers with a ticket machine, it issues green ticket that allow 1 hour parking & unloading beyond these barriers. Continue EAST and follow the road down until you reach the loch gates bridge and turn right into the 1st parking area. There is a carpark ahead on the left. This east carpark is where you may drop off and pick up when using the east wall. As stated there is no parking for anglers so cars must then be returned to the Multi.
When you leave we suggest the driver leaves ahead of those with them to collect the car allowing a smooth pick up on leaving the wall. Some anglers have been known to pack a small bike in their cars to speed this process !

Parking used to be different but due to abuses of parking, the relaxed trend of where you could park has been stopped. THIS INCLUDES the blue bays in the small east carpark, these are now enforced to business visitors only.

How to get down to the east:-

Anglers have an hour to unload a car via the ticket barrier entrance, get a free green ticket, it grants one hour to unload in the east carpark. Unload/drop off then return the car to the multi storey to park . some anglers bring a bike to speed this process others walk back.
The other option is to walk through the marina on the tow path of follow the road down & onto the east wall.

Pickup after fishing ? repeat the earlier process, drive to barrier , get a green ticket , drive down to east carpark & pick up. You have 1 hour to do this.

Mobility and access for all

Brighton marina in general provides very well for the less mobile, with access ramps throughout the marina and the bulk of the shops have wide flat level access for chairs.

The Multi storey carpark is free and level 1 is dedicated to family and disabled parking only.

For those fishing the EAST wall use the drop off options . You can also ask for the side gate to the wall to be opened for easy access/chair or scooter access that is at the start of BOTH walls.

ASDA have dedicated parking bays for use but 4 hour restrictions are in place for customers only. We dont advise the use of any blue bays within the marina other than those in the Multi CP.

West wall parking is usually at the far end lower level of the multi car park.

Wall access for chair users on both east and west walls is via a dedicated gate that is normally kept locked as said at the start of both walls.

A call to the TackleBox (01273 696677) will allow the shop to arrange for the duty warden to meet and assist with access/exit as is required.

Finding the WEST WALL

The west wall, often called the short one ! is as it says on the western side of the marina. If planning a trip this side most users tend to park at the far end of the multi when they arrive. So, on entry to the marina, follow around the roundabout taking the last(4th) left turn and follow the road round to the right passed McDonalds, the casino on the left and then past Pizza hut to the last entrance of the multi carpark. Quite simply put, park up on the far (northern) side of the multi for quick access to the west wall.
Come out of the multi and face left you will see a hand carwash and just past it some blocked off steps and a tunnel. Follow up and through the tunnel, it will bring you out with another path on your left and the beach area opening up in front of you. Turn sharp left, the path seems to go back as if into the marina but quickly turns again right revealing a 2 min walk onto the west wall. If you follow along the wall you will notice a small tower, this tower has a store for the duty wardens and it also has a public toilet for visitors use.

The Famous Tackle Box aka The shop

The tacklebox has very recently moved and some of our older visitors will remember it being at the top of the steps behind the old R.N.L.I. shop and our new location is very close.
We can now be found directly opposite McDonalds at the top of the wheelchair ramp and alongside the WEST QUAY pub, our full address is

The Famous TackleBox
The West Quay
Brighton Marina

The shop is wheelchair accessible .

For those with wheelchair or mobility scooters I have measured the width between posts on both of the marina walls and 1st step that runs the length of the walls.
Clearance gaps on the EAST and WEST wall is 60cm between step and red posts. The measurements are accurate and I double checked as I also have a scooter so realise how important this is to many visitors.
The west Extension requires the use of 8 fairly narrow steps, there is a handrail on the left going down for those able to independently manage a few steps but they are quite steep and caution should be used using them.
The extension is not accesable via a wheelchair or scooter.

EAST wall , side gate width is 90+cm / the following are the clearance gaps between red post and steps (narrow points)

post 1, 80cm , post 9 and 11, 63cm these are the narrowest points on the wall. all of the other post clearances are 65cm to 68cm. My scooter is 58cm width & a 4mph”medium” class 2 scooter. One point of caution, on entry to the east there is a fairly steep ramp down, while not ideal my scooter did make it up without issue but some may find a low power scooter with a heavy person on it may struggle as the ramp is quite sharp so if possible it may be necessary to wheel the scooter up this un laden.

If I have missed anything you may need to know please use the email link on home page.

The TackleBox

As stated above is now in its new location and back to its previous opening times of 7am every day and is directly opposite McDonalds at the top of the access ramp.


There are some public toilets in the marina located in the Boardwalk area close to the lifts onto the upper level. Look for the level crossing stay on the right as you look through the marina, toilets are hidden around the back in a small boardwalk arcade.

The nearest toilet if on the East wall(breakwater) is the portacabins in the east carpark. They come under the estates management and are cleaned regularly. Any issues please let the duty warden know & they will resolve asap.

The West wall(breakwater) has a toilet in the “tower block” It is basic but also cleaned by the shops duty wardens and checked everyday on a regular basis when its opened by said duty warden.

BBQ’s and Cooking

 With the warm weather in the summer many turn their thoughts to BBQ’s & picnic’s which is also a popular thought for many visiting the breakwaters. Unfortunately BBQ’s or any other open coal or wood fire are not permitted on the breakwaters. Hot ash being blown has often been the cause of some nasty injuries to visitors so for safety reasons we do not allow BBQ’s on the walls.

Small portable gas burners are allowed and must be supervised while in use.


Summer Safety

Both breakwaters are some distance from shops & can act as sun traps. Long hours out fishing or even watching those fishing bring up things than some often overlook.

Sunstroke & sunburn are common on long summer days, not just with children. Plenty of fluid & sun cream are always advised. For adults that like to have a can or a tinny, dehydration is something to be aware of.
Please remember the lower breakwaters are a fishing venue, so there will often be sharp objects discarded, bare feet on the breakwater is risky. Slippery surfaces, children running on the wall, anglers casting & not looking behind can all be factors to injuries.
It is often tempting when fishing to sit on or across the outside sea wall, this is not permitted at any time. Wardens do patrol the breakwaters and part of their duty is to assist visitors and encourage safety while visiting.

Abusive Behaviour

The summer heat, long days & often “a few beers while fishing” can sometime lead to tension on the walls. While diplomacy is our aim to calm situations and resolve other issues that arise, the wardens are on the wall to assist and ensure the safety of all using the facility. For this reason abusive behaviour is advised against and can result in either the removal of offenders and in some cases permanent bans.
Please note, a final option is a call to marina security, that no one wants to do, because if security have to remove someone from the walls they risk a year ban & car reg/IDs will be taken at the time for any future needed court actions if that applies.

The Fishing Wardens

  The fishing wardens in the past were appointed by Dave Grinham who previously owned the tackle box. Since the sale of the Tacklebox the walls have now been run by Mark Robinson who also appoints new wardens.
They are there to assist with the running  of the breakwaters and collect rod monies from those fishing within the marina facility.
All official wardens carry an ID badge and are usually quite visible as they carry out their duties which over the year can prove quite varied, some of these have included.

  • Seagull Rescues
  • Rubbish clearance
  • Ticket collection/issue
  • Casting lessons
  • Wheelchair assistance
  • Dispute mediation
  • Fish management
  • Toilet cleaning

 Bait deliveries, dispute settlements, wall maintenance, weather forecasting, safety advice and even fish predictions have been asked of them. They are there to help, so please feel free to ask one of them for assistance.
Fishing safely in a clean environment encourages visitors to return, help us to help you.

