As many will know the marina walls were closed yesterday for the occasion of HRH the Queens funeral. Prior to that catching thing’s up while the weekend was slow for most hunting mackerel, over on the bass side of things they quite well with squid baits proving popular for many. Strangely that brings me to a familiar phrase so YES, the SQUID (and cuttle) are most definitely in around Brighton.
one angler i’m told managed to bag up 20+ squid on the west through Fri or Sat night (sorry not a lot in detail) as one happy angler told me Sunday afternoon while having a chat.
The offshore boats are also reporting large numbers so for those wanting a stab at them now seems a great time for cephalopods around Sussex shores. While talking shores and local catches, the marina may not see many COD or codling but the beaches seem to be teeming with codling many sub 5lb (please watch the min sizes) but there are plenty of anglers saying its the best start to Autumn they have seen in a fair few years and one local private boat managed a lovely cod of 10+lb while out yesterday.
It does seem time to get a boat trip under the belt locally as cod, squid Turbot trips are all thriving and there seems also to be a late burst of bream activity with many boats reporting plenty of 2-4lb fish out there on many of the usual marks.
One angler sent me a pic from the weekend of the largest garfish I have seen on the marina for a couple of years and I will try to get it up on the gallery this week with a few other pics I have been hoarding back to upload as a batch on the various galleries.
Tons and tons of decent species out there right5 now so well worth baiting up unless you are targeting mackerel which seem to have strangely dropped off the map over the last 2 weeks. Some poor weather yes but not enough to account for the distinct lack of shoals this year. There has been a decline year by year but last year to this is quite a shock in less numbers than expected. I suspect the sudden drop in air temps may be a factor even that cant make full sense of it all.
Strange thing is I cant help but feel the temps may rise in a week or so and see a late October flurry of mackerel, as they say time will tell.
The final bit of news I can’t report in detail as I have yet to get further information and permission to post further details.
I have the sad news of our former warden Colin’s recent passing in the care home he was being looked after following a very serious period of time in hospital late last year with health complications and covid issues. While in hospital I understand he was revived on a few occasions and had been transferred to a care home for closer care after being left unable to walk unaided with much recuperation needed.
Sadly, news came through that Colin passed on or around the 10th of September and will be greatly missed by many on the marina and my thoughts along with others go out to his son and family. Funeral details are yet to come.
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