West wall ATM is shut while dave gets some jetwashing done to either part open or fully open to the toilet block. With luck that should be by the weekend. Dave is also hoping to fit in some more night sessions on the west when its upto par for fishing (H&S rules etc)
on the fishing front I have little to report tbh as the walls over the last few weeks have been closed more than open. We now have a week or more of clear weather & it may be worth a test few throws with squid jigs but i suspect they have now moved out to deeper and calmer water.
There are still reports of bass being caught off the local beached but please remember we are now in that catch and release period.
Obviously now we are into the ting fest but quite often the flatties tick over through December so there should be a few plaice amongst the sole and flounders out there. As to other species well I am awaiting reports to confirm much more of anything.
A final note to those asking or wondering about night sessions. Dave will be looking to add more sessions but all will be on the west wall . Due to the lack of facilities on the east and the “still” grumbles from residents about anglers and their mess/general Nuisance we will focus nights on the west while ppl forget or calm down over unfortunate issues that resulted from mass numbers wanting to get onto the wall and target mackerel.
If I dont post here again this month I would like to wish all readers here a fantastic Christmas or at least the best they can manage. Im aware some dread the season and others dont celebrate for many reasons š . So will add , have a great Christmas or a safe December.
Please remember , if no updates here, i’m either forgetful or there is very little going on.
Peace be with you all