Here we are, born to be kings
We’re the princes of the Universe
Here we belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers
OPPS wrong place thats Queen innit… ah, well Here we are again …. with another weekly ish lazy posting sort of round up, and there are whispers of SUMMER in the air.! OMFG! yes it’s true. The weather has finally picked up and the evenings are finally getting warmer at 8/9pm and about time too says I so lets get straight at it and give a fishy sound off.
SOLE, not on the wall but defo now on Brighton beaches the last couple of days so expect em
Plaice, all the usual sandy marks still bare minimum in sizes though
Bream Yes yes yes yes & about time too on both walls “OCCASIONALLY decent”
Wrasse plenty it seems on the west
Horse mac, some caught fri night on west (1st reported)
Gurnard, one or two here n there on the east.
Dog fish, rumour has it that they have buggered off , treat with caution.
Rays, yea sort of, just not on the walls
Bass, yup and doing very nicely ty, barely a day passes without a 4+lb fish caught on one or other wall.
Hound pups, high chance of seeing these, they seem everywhere.
Mackerel, daily catches in 2’s/3s mainly over high, pick a wall and wait for high, best bet mid wall.
Micro species down many of the Vs for species counters.
Mullet, not heard of any caught but often the way , expect in usual marks.
Topknot, not a very common fish but been a fair few this week on the east.
Flounder, still some to be had.
EELS reports dropped off for now
Whiting, thinned out a ton and v few seemingly about
Squid still waiting, unusual in absence this year
Cuttlefish as above.
Sand eels, Evidence of decent stocks close to shore check out the (BIF1 blogs)
red Mullet(goat fish) very much expected on west.
I think that will do it as far as species tallies go. Bear in mind this is a tick of of species where at least 1 or more have been had on or very near to either wall so dont be fooled into thinking “shit look at that load , best get down b4 they are all gone. Its not a trick or trap as fishing has been slow this week but as I originally put. The signs there are good, half mile off shore the fishing is very good. Charter skippers are coming in with happy customers. More than one boat has posted that the Turbot time has arrived and the bream fishing is excellent. There are decent cod and pollack reports this week for the deep water anglers and some great bream and plaice for those going lighter. The conger reports have thinned this week but I have no accurate info but will ask about.
So looking good for the next week or two as the weather starts to behave for us all and with that I will sign off.
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