A charity bike ride into Brighton will make the city centre busy so best to come in via Falmer exit on the bypass or seafront route from the east of the marina today.
Fishing yesterday on the west was quite tough with a lot of colour and silt still in the water after the wind and rain this week (the rivers flush junk out as well as Southern water !). Weed while there over the high tide is less of an issue and should by this mornings tide be a lot clearer.
While I said the fishing was tough those targeting bream on the extension managed a couple to keep but defo hard work. High tide came with little else caught ad mid day but many persisted with the feathers (west wall) and about 3 hrs after the high the bays above 127 got a small reward of a small shoal flitting in and out for 20 mins. It did surprise me as I seriously didn’t expect any until later tides and those that caught had the reward of some big mackerel that would have easy passed the 1lb mark and about 35-40cm !
It took me till near 4.30pm to convince a couple of blokes fishing bay 5 to put a whole squid out on their right and to rig up for flatfish, water colour looked good for daytime sole and as time ticked on with the low light level I thought it would increase their chances of a catch other than watch all the feathers fly. Ashley also had a chat with them about various rigs and why they would be used and what for which helped them understand the ground and set ups a little more and they seemed keen to learn. I hope they stuck at it and got their reward as the tide turned at 6pm when I left as its rare people arrive and set up for mackerel and ignore what people say about changing things a little to target other species. (they did keep a rod set up with feathers just in case any showed up.
That is almost the entire catch report for the west wall ! but is hardly a shock when people show up determined to only catch one type of fish without being willing to swap things about and open up to fresh Ideas.
How the east fished I dont know but Ashley did go to the east about 6pm to close the wall down so will chat with him later and see if he has any news.
Either the fishing is poor or the wardens at the moment are forgetting to tip me off to what is being caught.
hey ho, til next time eh
final note, Its not definite yet but Dave is very likely to close both walls Monday 19th Sept as a mark of resect for the Queen, after all she did open the marina and while some may think its a silly Idea many will like the idea and that doe’s include myself but I will confirm it asap.
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