BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

There’s a plaice for me

Easter monday round up in reverse order, a cold northerly wind carrying a wind chill factor of dayamnnn… very slow start on the walls today and still quiet at Mid day.

Easter Sunday was very busy, next to no winds and very sunny, yup the marina at its busiest… get there early or struggle to get a spot… pointless arriving late then complaining about how busy it is .. erm its sunny , every one is off of coures it will be busy !
The fishing was good on the east wall with the best of it coming after the high tide. A couple of small rays were reported, a few whiting and other bits n bobs down the side. The west recorded squid defo to farmer george but no other info from the west… &
didnt get any word if mackerel about all weekend.

Easter Sat & good friday were again busy … bank holidays … arrive early !
catch wise much the same as the Sunday was with the best just after the high tide & dropping away.

Looking like no issues ahead in the next week as far as thr weather is concerned so… open every day this week, temps somewhat cooler than last week.

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