..I went fishing.
A slightly different intro than usual (although I wonder if more than 2 people ever read these) Wednesday I woke and feeling unusually fit..(better than most days at least) brian said to me “go fish” so on the spur of moment I loaded up the quad and headed to the marina. After a trundle along the west decided too breezy for my v light rod and rolled onto the East wall with bay 11-14 in mind and settled on 11 just after the low. More a case of chatting than determined fishing but was a pleasant morning/afternoon in the sun and some small bream obliged as well as a bunch of gobies and blennies as well as 3 or 4 very large thumps on the line that could possibly been pollack, defo not cuttle or bass hits as I know these well and sorta felt in the 2-3lb marks……
… and with that onto the proper fishing report everyone is waiting for.
The marina early mornings are becoming a fixture with mackerel runs on both walls. Somewhat sporadic though and may be in 10 mins then gone then flurries back n forth an hour later.
While fishing yesterday the mackerel returned mid tide on both walls in & out for a couple of hours with most catching a few, some done well but average was about a dozen for those wanting them. I understand the evenings are also now very good for mackerel not only on the walls but the beaches seeing largish shoals b4 the light goes.
Adding to the mackerel are shoals of whitebait early morning low light and similar as the sun drops, best place to get them is on Brighton beaches west of the marina 1st beach with some sort of net. Please note, throw nets shouldn’t be used on the marina walls or to the east of the marina as they are not allowed in the MCZ zone that includes the marina.
Bream are doing very well over the high tides on the rockier bays (check the website wall guides) and the bass fishing is very good. (top tip, throw a lure behind the mackerel shoals) signs that gar are on the move also with some very tiny gar in recent catch reports I’ve seen. Wrasse, red mullet, gurnard, sole, plaice, rays, hound pups, even the odd small turbot are among recent reports and catches. Summer it seems has finally arrived.
A final note and reminder for those visiting the marina, please, no glass, BBQ’s or trollies on the walls and if visiting at night keep the noise to a minimum, the marina is residential and we want to avoid noise complaints
TY all
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