For most regular readers here I guess a few will be thinking ive buggered off or at least absent without leave :0, truth is there has been little to post.
We seem to be stuck in a weather pattern of strong southerly or SW winds then a few days of calm followed by another stint of strong wind.
I can honestly say that while it may keep the bass anglers happy it is of little use to regular wall users that simply want to chuck a bit of bait over the side, catch a few bream(speaking for myself) and chill out. Instead we have a cycle of close, brown weedy water, a clearing phase , 2 days of decent fishing followed by more weather alerts.
Im sure the sequence is due to settle and no doubt the science boys will talk about shifting gulf stream, global warming and the end of the world ! BUT, that doesnt help when one simply wants to get out there and go fishing.
On the news front I have now sourced some sticky back coloured film for headlamps and white lights. There will be a blue and a purple/violet transparent film available in the store on the west wall for sale, It can be a little fiddly separating the blank from the sticky bit but can be bought from the warden for a token amount to cover costs.
If you prefer to buy your own I have linked a couple of examples that are suitable on ebay to give you an idea what you should be looking for.
Fairly much any colour will do the job but I suggest avoid the lighter blues as more than one layer would be needed to de-glare the white lights.
The sticky back film should be available once the west is back open for night fishing, Please be prepared to sort your lights, It is a requirement that the harbour office has asked us to comply with and as I understand it there are quite a few harbours now looking into de-glazed lighting to protect skippers and pilots entering ports in poor to no light conditions.
There are fish being caught on the marina (when open) but obviously when conditions are poor the real winner it seems are the summer species avoiding our baits and leaving the main catches other than bass as conger, pout whiting, rays and sole.
If you do plan a session on the east with the water coloured as is at the moment it would be worth “cooking” some black lug,, in & out of the freezer a few times until it gets very sticky and very strong smelling. Mixed in with some fresh bait it can work as a decent attractant for the likes of sole that will be out & about in the coloured water.
Until next time folks , good hunting and I will bid you ADIEU
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