Well what a weekend this is proving to be. Im sat typing with the sun out and i’m looking out on a gorgeous fresh morning reporting on a fish bonanza of a weekend. plenty of bass, squid seemingly everywhere in the water, both walls reporting plenty of bream wrasse and garfish even as low as bay one on the east things have been productive. Not just daytime either. Night anglers are having a ball catching some cracking sole of local beaches and the marina wall.
Plaice are there , while not in the numbers like bream there is plenty going on. Rays seem to be returning for round two with plenty of small hound pups and im guessing the dogfish are lurking also. This week has seen red mullet on both walls as well as some lovely gurnards in full colour.
The only thing obviously missing are mackerel but that is hardly a surprise with so many predators out there feeding on something. Whatever it is (i suspect small mackerel shoals) the bass, cuttle rays, codling (yes codling) and hounds seem to be back and on the feed.
Now is the time to arm up , load up with bait and get out there as things seem to have ramped up another level and the catching around the marina is good.
Get out there and get some in š