BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

so far..

So Saturday so far at time of typing no reports coming my way but then with the thick sub surface may rot things have been quite sluggish and the best of the fishing i’m told has been in the run up to the high tide. There have been a reasonable amount of species with the obvious of plaice and Bass, Bream and the occasional conger and some mixed rays but most have been patchy and hard work.
Weather wise it stired up quite a bit last night and it looks like another stir up coming thurs night into Friday so hopefully things will get going on breaking up that May rot that does seem to have a way of sticking around the walls of the marina.
All in all very little to add this morning so I will bid you all ADIEU until the next post

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