Morning world (at time of typing) Another week and another week of may rot Im agraid. The water colour is improving but on the west you can clearly see the milkyness of its colour. Over on the EAST the green colour still has that weird glowing luminescence(big word of the day) and the rot is quite deep hanging in the water and coming up on the lines resembling snot balls. (top tip, stick a bead on your line, it will remove much of the slime as you reel in)
How does this effect the fishing ?
The Algae(may rot) is quite sticky and will get into and clog the gills of fish and de-oxygenate the water, so they do their best to avoid areas the Rot happens to be.
Needless to say, as a result of this the fishing on the smaller and low tides is not that great and the best of the catches seem to be from the mid tide up & over when the fish have a chance to get under it.
Catch wise both walls have seen bream and plaice, this year for plaice on the WEST seems better than normal and the EAST is steady as would be expected. With the rot still here it seems that sole are doing ok on the EAST bend, it does happen as they seem to like(or dont mind) cloudy water so there are a few decent daytime catches. Also numbers up are smooth hounds, mostly small pups upto 3lb but there are the occasional larger, In the pas early evening on the WEST mid wall could be productive but Im not seeing any patterns this year for them. As well as a few hounds there are still dogfish inshore (are they liking the may rot?) & I think im gonna do a few asks with better informed ppl on ifs & whys there.
Rays are also being caught on the EAST ,mostly juveniles and under the 5lb marks. The early call on horse mackerel may have been a bit premature & most likely due to the thickened up mayrot. Likewise on mackerel, while the occasional one is being caught off the wall they are rare atm and if you want one(or more) boats are the way to go. Im still hearing of the occasional catch of Dab & Topknot from the east and if you fancy trying for one im told prawns are decent as are most small shellfood.
Finally on this species round up , Conger and Bass do seem to be the current tick over although the upper end of Bass atm seems to be about 5lb and the best Conger this year during the day was had a couple of weeks ago of about 16lb.
Thats it for this one, until next time , as usual I bid all 3 of you ADIEU š
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