I had done a large post Sun morning , got distracted and didn’t finish typing it all up prior to rushing out to watch bhafc play at home !
the up shot is a days missing so a quick summary.
NIGHTS this weekend have been busy with the gate over each night to control numbers safely and the queuing as gone well with little to no issues with some visitors praising that it had been done to prevent over crowding.
on the catching bit, well all week the daytime has been very tough for those wanting mackerel with them not being caught before 6pm or even 7pm thus giving the mackie hunters a tough old week of frustration.
Other catches over the weekend include a couple of decent bass of BOTH walls, evening mackies for both, gar on both, the first squid and cuttle this weekend on the west for a fair few weeks (are the quid going to show early? ) plenty of bream again on both if you know where to look and 22/23 on the east has been throwing a few surprises for good bream !. Plaice on the east sole on again both Waa hoo eh! , giant sea slugs have died away on the cleaner water BUT … yea that word , but a few whiting are also showing up (signs of autumn! ) A few wrasse have been caught but I recon the numbers are very low again on both walls and hope the trawling damage of the past hasn’t changed the numbers for good .
Along the walls tight in are still the micro’s of blenny , bullhead and goby assortments as well as tons of whitebait feeding just about anything with a mouth !.
Is it me or are the prawns in lesser numbers this year ? or have they simply dispersed more ? dunno, that one may be me noticing less and less people using prawns as live bait.
other news, for those that remember TONY WADEY a plaque has been fixed up on the east arem I believe on bay 58 as a permeant memory marker for those who remember him and we have just ticked past the 4th year of Eddie Tannocks passing.
Almost Finally an incident that needs to pe reported as the incident could have been far worse than simply a fool fishing where he shouldnt.
Early arrivals to the east during the week saw whitebait in the harbour around the fuel pontoon. As they had got there so early not only would they have been causing a disturbance to residents from 5am onwards but some chose to rig up and have a tinker in the harbour with feathers and flying lead in the direction of not only the fish bubbling in the marina basin but also in the direction of the fuel pumps.
I can only say THANK F**k no lead hit the fuel pumps of lines , it beggars belief that anyone could have been so stupid or reckless endangering everyone in the vicinity and possibly further away, thank gawd nothing more sinister happened other than a few cretins got bollocked and told to leave permanently.
Please please please help us in any way you can safely. I’m not asking anyone to jump in or face these fools down but please find a way to contact someone that could do something other than look on helplessly. A text, a facebook message a phone call from a safe distance to security(24hrs), tacklebox (if open) marina office(24 hr) msg a warden on fbook including myself and David Grinham, most of us are on there.
There are minor changes to open/close times on both walls so please check the home page for latest on that and one other change this week in the
NIGHT SESSION ON THE WEST , no nights this wed/Thurs, Normal nights Fri,Sat, & Sun , back to normal the following week.