Both walls will be open sat 2nd, forecasts give a poor reading for Sunday so will remain closed that day.
On the good news front , the jet washer that was ordered failed to materialise which meant that the company he ordered from sent an alternative machine, indications from how it looks say he has been given an upgrade or at least a bigger machine :). Work will begin as soon as there are a few clear calmish days to het cracking on things.
Fishy fronts are doing ok for plaice, whiting, rays and bass with early signs of mullet being reported in LEWIS and harbours in Sussex so there is stuff out there to target, not heard any gossip of herring this week but no reason why they wouldn’t be about.
It almost feels like spring out there while the sun is shining so expect mother nature to throw a paddy sometime this month and dump snow & hail on Sussex sometime soon š
Fresh black came in today and there will be fresh ragworm in shop on Thursday im told.
till next time