Well were we are again (not a queen song), another week done and dusted and another week begun. So lets start of with a catch report and some news on them missing squiddys of which is not that good. It seems that the annual spring run and breeding bash has passed us by this year and it happened with barely a whimper in the Brighton area quite a few weeks back. So all those like myself hoping it was simply late .. bad news it isn’t. I guess we will have to hope the autumn run is a bit more prolific because it was a whimper here for the spring run.
While on cephalopods a cracking 5lb Cuttlefish was caught on the west and what a magnificent specimen he was, yes Identified as a male too us that didn’t know how to tell the difference from the stripe sise on it inner face side tentacles if that’s what they are called and was weighed at 5lb and as good in size if not better than the cuttlefish caught by one of the Ali brothers on the west wall last year .I will try and get a piccy up on the gallery this week.
On the fishy front 2 very different days this weekend with Saturday very hot and very sunny (many sunburnt backs this morning for sure) and Sunday was dry overcast but very warm and muggy, some would call it thundery and I’m told there was a rumble or 2 during the night but like many I slept right through it.
On the fishing front Saturday proved the harshest and when I say tough going trust me it was somewhat brutal. The Fri night report summed up was “dead as a dodo” and the morning early proved to be exactly the same. The day just seemed to get hotter and hotter but so many were happily wandering around the whole day with shirts off and no sun protection (big men ? na, unwise men) By time I got on the west wall for a look about at about 6ish everyone was muttering them 2 words .. “no fish”
On the bright side for those fishing the late afternoon while the warden was preparing the east wall for a 9pm close down the west saw a flurry of mackerel somewhen close to 9pm that perhaps lasted 30 mins and then was gone. Most had a few fish and one or 2 night anglers were happy that they had some whole baits to target bass while others drifted off home as the light vanished.
I wish I could say the Sat night on the wall was better for anglers but it simply wasn’t to be. I guess those on the Extension had the better of if with a couple of schoolie bass, pout and what is best described as bits n bobs but overall not very good. And with that we drift into Sunday morning that I believe on the East produced a handfull of early mackerel and some small plaice but in all honesty that really summed up Sunday on the east.
While you would have thought the overcast conditions even though muggy would have produced a few fish the combo of heat and persistently refusing to shift may rot(algae bloom) put paid to any catching. We really do need a good storm to stir it up and and water temps to rise a little to burn this algae away.
Over on the west wall Sunday the night anglers were replaced by hopeful day anglers who unfortunately either put baits out to feed spider crabs or chucked feathers out through the heat of the day in the hope of a few fish, sadly many gave up and went hope with little to show other than a bit more suntan or reddening backs heading towards sunburns.
As day drifted towards early evening still fishless arrivals were people there for a possible last light flurry of mackerel or getting ready for a night session all being greeted by the news that naff all was happening but expectation due to the overcast sky and lower light levels may/should/or will produce some fish, people set up rods with bait and many started to feather away. Well come 8pm glory be 3 juniors pulled 3 mackerel out on bay six and the fun began!
With perhaps 30 people on the wall most started feathering and yup the mackerel had shown up. Now, at this point many reading this will think , oh hell, 30+ feathering + mackerel = carnage, well no, not exactly, I managed to get in amongst them and with instructions to anyone in earshot everyone was told if you are keeping them , kill them quickly and bag em up, loud enough for many to hear I offered to show those that didnt know how and a stab behind the eyes was shown as was a neck snap method for speed.
I explained to all why it was expected, and all a how too and would ya believe it, all but 2 gents were swiftly into it and bagging as they went. The two gents ? easily sorted by a quick word saying “gents, you are the only 2 here on the entire wall not killing the fish and bagging “
Said I “look Gents, even the kids are showing everyone how to do it” well that was all it took.
A few piccys for the facebook group, and a little assistance to one DAD with 3 excited youngsters was all I was asked to do in the next 2 hours. I even took a picture an hour after the 1st mackerels were being caught, a down the wall angle showing the anglers and the general condition of the wall 1 hour into a shoal of mackerel. With very little prompting the wall had been kept very clean and clear of fish as everyone bagged as they went. It was an impressive sight for any warden in that the whole wall followed the directions. Will they do it again ? no idea, but I would like to think that at least some will have found a better way to fish with less mess around them when the “mackerel are in”.
I guess the next moment for many was the sighting of what was likely a pod of porpoise as there was very little of the dorsal fin on show and most concluded they were not dolphins due to this less to see dorsal. Thankfully the pod stayed feeding at a distance cloes to a bouy in like with the nudist beach and on keeping their distance3 avoided any issues with anglers lines in & out of the water.
By 10pm it was clear the mackerel had moved on so the last of the anglers without night gear packed and headed home , most with 15-20 or so mackerel each and happy for their time on the wall.
Through the night I got news of a few fairly decent bass caught on the wall, some kept some returned but that is about all I heard from last night so hopeful someone will bring me up to speed of the rest of the night and how things are this morning.
As a sort of final note I will remind all who plan to visit the marina walls that things are being tightened up regarding the bringing of glass onto the wall.
Now I realise many are very careful with their bottles but many are not and we don’t want visitors being able to point as someone and say .. “yea but they have glass, why are they ok and not us”
Quite simply if you bring glass onto the wall you are very likely to be told to drink it on the beach/ take it back to your car/vehicle or simply “please leave”. When glass breaks on the wall it very often splinters, they are what do most damage on the wall. Not just to anglers that seem to like barefoot fishing but so many youngsters also kick shoes off an move around the wall, so please respect the no glass policy no matter how often you take care or always take your litter. One simple error and we have splinters of glass that are almost impossible to pick up without being cut.
While we are muttering rules , rules rules, we have been asked by the marina harbour office to make sure anglers are using only blue lights on the wall. That covers head lamps, underwater lights spot lights pointing down to the water, any light if it needs power needs to be blue or have a blue filter.
I have sourced some sticky back paper/film that will do this job for those that cant find any but as a temp measure a blue felt pen/blue marker/blue bingo dabber even those blue carrier bags doubled/trebled in thickness put under screw on lens covers will work. Once we have a supply there will be no excuse not to sort the lamps on the wall. If you are not sure why we are swapping to blue lights, think about when you have been driving at night.. now think about the arse that drives towards you with full beams on ! that is what skippers get bringing boats into ports and harbours from anglers glancing towards the boats.! blinding !
Yesterday evening talking to one regular “KAI” he pointed out to me that he tells people with underwater lights to get a blue plastic bag and tie the light into the bag to protect it ! it seems to do the job very well. So there you have it , plenty of solutions on how to get the lens on your light blue. So please help us and yourself , make the swap as the idea is catching on in many harbours and ports and I think it will be a matter of time before all open to angler ports etc follow the blue pattern.
Good news I may have mentioned or not re the ANLRS line bins sprouting up all over the country on fresh water venues as well as sea venues. The 2 in use line bins on the marina sponsored by the Tackle box ( Im about to mention a third) were recently emptied and 8.400 meters of line were collected to be sent off for recycling.
If you want more info about the line recycling click the link to their website >> “click me“
The third bin in the marina has been paid for and sponsored by Robin Howard (some know him as Fishyrob but I didn’t tell you that ok š ) but due to all the work on the seafront and the new seawall area that is being developed Robins line bin has for the best part of the year been stuck behind a fence and unused and often un-noticed.
Said line bin was rescued during the week and on being informed of this a swift call to marina manager Andrew Knight gained the permission to re-site this bin and place it in a far more prominent place opposite the toilet block on the west wall so please, if you are changing line on your spools save it and bring it in. Likewise, them cut of chunks of line, rather than leave on the floor or stuck in any old rubish bin/bag you are using save it up while you fish, stick it in a spare pocket and use the bins at the end of both walls.
East sited opposite cafe fixed to inner wall and looks like a chunk of green drain pipe.
West wall just as you come off the wall via the ramp is to your right fixed to outer wall
The third (Robins paid for bin) will soon be opposite the tower block in the corner there and very visible to all.
And now that I have mentioned The tacklebox ‘s 2 bins and Robins also, lets have a gratuitous plug for Robin Howard and BIF 1 go on click the link to see what Robin does so well –>> “click me“
Please use the line bins, for so many reasons it gets dead line out of land fills, off the beaches and away from fishing venues in a safe useful way. It then goes into a recycle scheme that makes garden furniture and kit like rod rests and more, so please use these line bins they are sited in so many locations along the Kent. Sussex, Hants coast and at many fresh water venues also.
And with that I will sign off with its goodnight from me, and its goodnight from him.. Adieu
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