BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

latest 26th Jan

Website has been updated with a couple of events added, check the events tab for details. The Tacklebox hope to be organising a few competitions this year including hosting the Annual(weather permitting) SQUID competition that was begun by Robin(fishyRob)Howard and continued by the L.I.S.A. group most recently.

Unfortunately last year the Squid did not play in the spring and the consistent “run” was so small and scattered that the spring event was cancelled. While the Autumn “run” was good the event wasn’t picked up for various reasons.
Approximate dates for the squid event this year are up in the “EVENTS” section of this website.

With regard to the wall condition there are wires to repair still and hopefully they should be sorted fairly quickly. I am told that the damaged concrete sections have been removed but the update I got was a fairly quick one.

Regarding jet washing, as I type this (Fri) I have been told by Joe(night warden) that he plans to start with the jet washer on Monday and continue through the week providing the weather is suitable. I will then hopefully get a better idea of the conditions of both walls and update here A.S.A.P.
Thats it for now so I will until next time bid you all Adieu

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