Afternoon all, been a few days since I put my rear before the pc and typed out a blog/report so best I get on with it in all it’s (ahem) glory !
Not a massive amount to say seems to be a familiar thing at the moment but sad to say that is the way of things while the water still suffers from its yellowish glow. Yes we still have May(or June) Rot clinging to the walls and effectively sucking the life out of the water and the fish and removing effectively the oxygen that fish need underwater. That and the glue like residue that clings to the fishes gills means that the fish will either avoid or try to swim under the muck. Gladly it is thinning and any southerly SW or even SEasterly is blowing some of it away . There is a clear line visible that is now cast-able to get beyond it.
On the catch front its the Bass clearly coming out in front for the anglers(not for the bass tho) with the best of the catches on live baits be it mackerel, prawn or what ever type of small fish that can be hooked and lowered to the fish.
Plaice reports this week are mumbled that there are some BUT>>>> ya get the idea I think.
A couple of gurnards on the east sand and a couple of days ago some gar made an appearance first on the east but also followed up on the west.
Sole, Bream and wrasse have been caught since the weekend and id say all three are improving.
mackerel catches the last few days have been somewhat intermittent and tbh mostly over the high tides in the mornings or evenings depending on the tide and lower light levels.
Night fishing has been fairly decent for the bass anglers with mackies and horse mac though no huge numbers but I guess a few for all is the term. bream are picking up at night on the west, known bays I would say for the regular visitors. Wrasse, sole, even a few smooth hounds have been caught and returned .
A reminder to all even though most that read hear will already know but serves as a nudge to all.
no trollies on the wall unless you own your own,
no BBQ’s or fires (small gas burners can b used)
HEAD torches must be BLUE by order of the marina harbour master, please get your lights sorted or you may be turned away.
finally it seems even a few of the regulars need to be reminded that we have a NO GLASS policy on both walls. Wardens are turning people away ignoring this and there are large red signs at the beginning of both walls.
I hate to sound like I am having a moan but the regulars should be the one’s leading by example.
To those already using blue lights…. many thanks it makes the wardens life less complicated.
Well that’s it for today, until next time ….. ADIEU
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