Tuesday catch up morning !, bit late with the round up
Hows the fishing ? .. one word …… manic
The weekend and tail of last week has produced some nice rays on both walls. Am pleased to say that those I know of were all returned safely with at least 3 in double figures .
Mackerel are definitely “in” & creating the usual mayhem on the walls and on social media. Unfortunately everyone wants in on the action & creates a very busy marina and very busy walls … The sun is out , tons of people on furlough , Dover admiralty is shut so we are the next best thing.
The wardens do their very best & do try to teach anglers how to dispatch fish… with luck nearby anglers may step in and advise new comers the same process of kill & store fish so we can all fish in a clean environment… education here is key… convince one in ten its a good idea and others will follow.
Other catches over the weekend include bass, gurnards plaice sole pout & occasionally channel whiting & horse mackerel at night regards