BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

ello world

Morning all 3 of you ! yep 3 confirmed and even daft enough to give me their names!, no need to worry though as my memory is shyte !.

So 1st thing is some news on wall openings. From this weekend Mark is extending NIGHT FISHING on the west to 24/7, yes , every night. Of course this is subject to the weather being ok & no needed repairs.
The extension is also open during the days and groups wishing to book a private session need a minimum of 10. To organise it please contact Mark either directly or contact shop with details and they can hook you up with mark
Also from this Saturday the EAST wall close time will move to 9pm, which is the best we can do for that wall. There will not be any further NIGHTs on the EAST due to the sheer level of disturbances and noise caused by 100 plus anglers moving through residential areas between 2 and 6am. TBH I think we were lucky that it was agreed that the wall could stay open beyond 6-7pm after some of the issues wardens had to deal with over the last 30 years at night. The up side is that residents are in a better frame of mind towards anglers as much of the disruptions caused has been greatly reduced. In many ways I think that we as anglers are lucky that the WEST wasnt closed at night or heavier restrictions put on us running both walls and keeping costs down.

I am aware there have been a few grumbles about how night fishing is now charged which is a straight £10 per person for 2 rods or 1 if thats all you use. Yes it now can cost more to fish at night than 2 rods during the day but firstly it was done to standardise the night charge and help the wardens speed the ticket process up, now they simply have to do a head count rather than check jnr numbers and even rod numbers, its easy to see when too many rods are on show etc.
There has been another benefit of the straight charge, It has reduced the number of non anglers at night being as they will also be charged to be on lower level and it was becoming a problem with larger and noisier numbers on the wall at night raising noise levels, litter levels and people trying to light BBQ’s. Overall this charge has greatly reduced problems from the WEST at night of which I believe benefits everyone.
To those grumbling about a fixed charge, look around, there are fewer issues than previous years and we dont have to run a members only scheme at night locking people out that want to randomly show up to fish the wall.
If anyone is unsure of the rules of the wall please check through this website as there is tons of info that will help your visit to the breakwaters when fishing.

Finally I have a catch report !
I caught a ball ! , there done the grandad thing even though im not.

Bass, yep there have been some decent bass caught off or very close to the walls, ive not included any pics at the moment as we all know what they look like even if many struggle to land em on a regular basis but I may trawl some posts on the FB group to see if there are any standouts i like
P.S> If you got a picv of a catch you think I may like for the galleries feel free to email em in and I will see what I can put into the galleries, after all its what they are there for and remember , the pics dont need to be the worlds best fish, I’m sure Ive put tons of tiddlers up on the galleries as well as some big fish so , send em in & don’t be shy, add your name or tell me u want no name, give me the info of what wall and when & i will see if i can add to a gallery or two.

Plaice, there are catches but they are a bit thin on ground this week as the may tod does its thing and colours everything it touches as well as a few conger, dogs yup they back, smooth hound pups are about , rays a bit slower this week and some mackerel spotted just offshore by the lure boats out there. The first horse mackerel were reported mid week on the west but no idea of the numbers . Bream catches are a bit slower this week as is in general much of the fishing. Id say the boats are faring better than we are atm.
Well thats it from me for today, dig out them pics folks & please dont be shy.
Until next time folks as usual I bid you all(3) ADIEU

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