Or have I ?
To be honest there has been very little to post here other than say the weather has been a bit pants with lots of spring blows thus a fair few days where the walls have been closed or the fishing was pants due to lack of water clarity. Is it any wonder some turn to the dark side in Feb/March and go fishing in some lake or other with its captive fish that tends to be chucked back by law !
Anyhoo Easter is upon us and the sun has started to shine thus deceiving everyone into thinking “oh look its warm and sunny outside”
Nah dont be fooled folks the temps are struggling to get over 10 degrees! so wrap up warm, then get hot and sweaty in the sun, peel the clothes of and wonder why you did it as the sun goes in and you realise you are about to catch a cold !.
On to the catch report(s) if thats what they are, mostly shut downs the last few weeks but did manage a few open days in March and early April so the East is chucking up some plaice though not too many keepers. Far out numbering the plaice seem to be whiting (muddy waters i guess) and nearly as many Dogfish as whiting that seem to be getting called all sorts from “Dogfish to Cat sharks” with a few swear words added in for good measure. Im told a conger here and there likewise Bass & occasional flounder but mostly them whiting and mutts. Hopefully now we are getting some calm weather and large tided the clarity will clear out and the sunshine should bring some better water temps attracting the likes of Bream, Gurnard and Wrasse along the walls.
The local boats have started picking up Mackerel and Rays about 2 miles out and usually they make the jump from there to inshore in the next 2-4 weeks. Time and temps we will see.
Unsaid is squid, mostly because as there seems to be a lack of reports or mentions but will keep and ear to the ground so to speak but its looking like we will have a delayed season and I suspect the squid comp may be scheduled for the weekend of May 6th/7th or back up of 20/21st May, again we shall see how it pans out.
Thats it for now, until next time….
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