BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

BRIGHTON MARINA FISHING for the East and West breakwaters

B H Monday

The walls as homepage shows are now closed for 2-3 days and a good chance west will be shut thurs but will update that as we get closer.

The weekend on the walls has seen an increase in numbers fishing but neither wall got so full that there wasn’t space.
West wall info is that there are issues with the water supply and various leaks in the piping that may take a while to resolve as it involves divers and getting at pipes elow the wall. This means that the toilet on the WEST is likely to be shut more than open but I’m told the marina are working on it as fast as possible. Dave has continued jet washing and work finally (when weather has allowed) is about to start on the extension.

Catch reports for Sat/Sun is that the plaice numbers on the east have increased but not much gain on the sizable’s so the vast bulk caught have been undersized or marginable “in size”. Dab, flounder conger and at least one pollack caught and confirmed and as far as I can tell this years first mackerel were caught 1st on a Lure(robin Howard) and then a couple on feathers (sorry cant recal name). My take on this is that the usual vertical striped mackerel were caught of which I believe come up from the bay of Biscay and the usual run of them lasts 8 to 10 days early to mid April so before the millions around the world start the annual mackie run be aware its a short run and often broken by poor weather. The north Atlantic run wont start until late July approx. .
Other catches other than already posted include sole, scorpion fish Bass low on the east and a strap conger or two for good measure.
Not the best fishing for Easter weekend although the weather just about held out prior to the alleged April showers begin, but also not the worst I have seen.

It seems to me that things are a little behind the averages for this time of year and while there have already been a couple of squid caught on the wall I havnt seen any reports of catches this weekend although I am aware quite a few were trying for them.
One catch I did miss on reporting earlier last week does deserve a mention as on a day when very few were fishing there was a reasonable sized lumpfish caught mid wall on the east. Now while they are not rare on the wall quite often we only see 5 or 6 in a year so one in April sorta makes me wonder if we are in for a good year once the warmer weather properly gets here. Roll on summer eh.

As said earlier M/T/W walls are expected shut , I would imaging east will be open Thurs but again , as said will confirm that in a day or two.

Enjoy what is left of Easter and from me, that is over n out


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