Well as I type its piddling down with rain, last time I saw it like that at this time of year the fishing went mental for mackerel and the irony was that only 3 people stayed to catch them so gotta chuckle as i sit here nice and comfy remembering the day.
Talking of fishing things are good out there atm, as said on previous post the water is now alive with whitebait & sprat baitfish which in turn has drawn in mackerel shoals that had sat offshore in deep waters ( i have a theory to that) with the mackerel have come horse mac(scad) bream catches on the wall seem to have exploded also. Add to this bounty there have been plenty of bass and sightings all along the South coast of tuna and huge bait balls that the gulls have been going mental over.
If all of the above wasnt enough there is squid in the water in their 100s maybe thousands. Yes they are being caught during the day but they are far easier with less work to catch at night with some anglers getting 40+ and stocking up on them as bait.
The west wall for obvious reasons has proven very popular at the moment and night fishing has been non stop and very busy. Get there early or plan on about midnight as some ppl filter away.
Regarding night fishing on the wall I will add my usual reminder that all powered lights /head lamps/torches/underwater lights even battery tip lights need to be either blue light or filtered in some way with options of blue markers, sticky back plastic (transparent type) or at most simple a blue carrier bag can be used (best use a double layer.
Why do we ask this? Because the power of todays lights are huge and a single beam into the cabin of an active boat can blind the pilot and even for a few seconds can result in lethal accidents. The marina is a working harbour with a fixed active lifeboat so please ensure you have the correct lighting needs. (filters will be available from duty wardens)
well thats it for today, until next time i bid you all ADIEU
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